About Benchmarkia

Benchmarkia is a Joint Venture between Incorrys and Sustrio.

About Incorrys

What are the future energy prices? How much oil and gas will be produced? How much CO2 will be emitted? What are the government policies towards energy? How many electric cars will hit the roads in the next ten years? Incorrys will help you answer this and many other questions about future energy and environment.

Incorrys is a data provider, analytics, and forecasting company in the areas of Global Energy Markets, Disruptive Technology, and Environmental Management. Incorrys main product is the Incorrys Information System (IIS), which provides subscribers with comprehensive numerical data that helps them to make informed decisions. The focus of Incorrys Information System is to contextualize, forecast and clarify the future uncertainty within these industries.

Incorrys obtains its historical data from multiple public sources, such as government reports and publications, security disclosures, and investor reports. The main focus of Incorrys analysis is long-term outlooks and data forecasting. Incorrys has developed proprietary forecasting technologies, based on operational research and management science. Incorrys forecasting models are underpinned by a resource or abatement curve analysis, as well as risk and behavioral analysis.

Incorrys was founded in 2020 by respected engineers, mathematicians, economists, and computer scientists. Our team members come from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds, including oil and gas, engineering and construction, IT infrastructure and software development, electronic design and manufacturing, mining, and material sciences.

Website: Incorrys.com

Address: 400, 7015 Macleod Trail, Calgary, AB T2H 2K6, Canada

About Sustrio

Enhancing sustainability performance has the power to transform your business, making it possible to identify and realize opportunities, mitigate risks, enhance trust among investors, stakeholders, Indigenous communities, regulators, and customers, and unlock long-term value.

Sustrio Advisors is a full-service boutique management consulting firm providing the full range of sustainability services. Services include environmental, social and governance (ESG), Indigenous Relations, and Regulatory and Permitting support. Partnering with our clients, we provide bespoke solutions supporting our clients’ sustainability performance via our proven practical, systematic, and people-focused approach.

We are committed to being our clients’ trusted sustainability partner of choice. We work hand-in-hand to support the enhancement of sustainability capabilities, to address the risks and opportunities posed by climate change and the energy transition, and to create lasting value for our clients.

Website: http://www.sustrio-esg.com

Address: 1900, 144 – 4th Avenue SW , Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N4, Canada